Customer Testimonials

Lynne Moore, valued Peoples Services customer is happy to share her feedback regarding our Internet service:

How was the installation and customer service experience?  From beginning to end the experience has been seamless. Everyone we have dealt with has been friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful. We are very happy we made the change.

 In regards to your services, how reliable are they?   We have not had any trouble since getting the new service, prior to Peoples our service was spotty at best.

What is your favorite thing about having communications services with Peoples?   I can call or email and get a response to my question and or concern.

Luke Scott, Peoples Services valued customer and Lake resident shares~“Installation was simple and customer service is always responsive.  I’ve had the service since February.  The service is great and thank goodness there is not a monthly data limit.  It’s cheaper than what I was paying at another provider and I love the fact that I don’t have to pay for a phone line that we didn’t even hook a phone up to.”

Another valued customer in the southwest area of town says, “I frequently use a VPN connection, Skype For Business, and other bandwidth intensive applications to do my job. I have not experienced one episode of Internet down time so far with having this service for over a year now. Thank You Peoples Services for making our Internet experience the best here in Louisburg.

Meridian Business Services utilizes People Services internet service. “We have been extremely pleased with the service Peoples offers. The transition between carriers was a seamless transition. The service is extremely reliable. The staff at Peoples Services are always very helpful. We have been please with decision to move to Peoples Services.” – Angela Eberhart, CPA

Tammy Martin says-“The Peoples Services team that installed my service was amazing, even with the ugly weather they were working in, they were fast and you could hardly tell they had even been there, greatly appreciated since I live in an apartment complex and constant traffic in and out, they were great! Since I have had my system installed I have had Zero problems with the service, even in the bad weather the service is great, I work from home and need a reliable service and Peoples is just that. I have had the service since November of 2016 and have not had one problem. The customer service team is also some of the nicest people I have dealt with, always happy and courteous. If you are looking for a good reliable internet service I would highly recommend that you contact Peoples Services and get signed up. Very Satisfied with this company, Thank you Peoples communication for all you do.

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